Yes, you can reinvent the WHEEL !! “Central Ideas Theory”

YES, you can reinvent the WHEEL !! “Central Ideas Theory” 

Did someone or your boss ask you “not to reinvent the wheel” to stop the flow of your thoughts or the desire to criticize them? In fact, you can reinvent the wheel as you like and whatever you want!.

The wheel is already being reinvented every day in various ways in cars, bicycles, trains, and engines, and the wheel still spinning and waiting for further re-inventions.

Nevertheless, let us go directly to what the term “reinventing the wheel” means here and how I use it to illustrate the underlying theme of this article.

The wheel was an idea in the mind of someone, and no one knows how he implemented it, but it was the first brick in many other inventions, it was an idea can be reused times and times without being swallowed or fallen and each time reused adds a new dimension to the original idea.

This type of idea I called “central idea,” and the central idea in my view, is the idea of evolution, ramification, and reuse. This definition differs from the lexical definition of “central ideas,” which defines the central idea as the main idea of an article or book and sub-ideas revolving around.

The lexical definition of the central idea is totally and partially different from the one presented here, although they are similar in some parts if we speak in the scope of books or novels, but we speak in the absolute general of all ideas.

On the other hand, there are decentralized ideas, which are going obsolete, fall with time, and are replaced by a new idea that performs the same purpose on a larger scale with higher efficiency.

Both types of ideas serve development and change. The central ideas expand and grow to other ideas and become entangled and developed as an example of the idea of the wheel.

Decentralized ideas become obsolete and fall after the discovery of a new approach that fulfills the same purpose of the old idea and can contain it. This is also a step towards development and change, for example, modern physical theories such as Einstein’s theory of relativity, which replaced Newton’s classical mechanics, as well as the theories of quantum mechanics and the dual nature of the electron by Louis de Broglie, Niels Bohr, Max Planck, and others.

Amr Okasha


Kuwait City

5:00 PM



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