• Dr. Amr Okasha

    Training . Business . Consultancy


An engaging and powerful motivational speaker who provides insightful words of inspiration, Okasha draws from his expertise in personal growth and helping people to reach their maximum potential in every part of their lives and field of work. He is a frequent guest speaker at   creative   thinking and personal improvement seminars, as well as an active member of the Toastmasters organization in Kuwait.


Amr Okasha is an accomplished author who, having earned his first degree in computer science and informatics at Cairo University in Egypt, began his career in the IT sector, before beginning his transition towards becoming a highly-respected specialist in personal development and leadership. On the journey, he completed his Master’s Degree in Business Administration at the Swiss Business School (SBS), where he had completed his doctorate degree.

Okasha specializes in self-development and is a spiritual enthusiast – who has dedicated years to exploring the science behind behaviors within our society, considering elements such as Psychology, Management and History. From his researches and studies he draws out essential lessons and experiences to help people and business to grow.

The American Elections and global economy slow down

لماذا فشلت هذه المؤسسة العريقة في مشروع تحولها الرقمي ؟

  ذهبت بالأمس مع طفلي الصغير ذو الاحد عشر عاما الى تلك المستشفى الشهيرة في أحد ارقى مناطق الكويت لعمل فحص طبى تحت رعاية شركة التامين…
The American Elections and global economy slow down

Greatness: The Dark Side

Make the most of yourself… for that is all there is of you. - Ralph Waldo Emerson What makes some men and women great, and other ones fall? What makes a person great? Is it his clothing, possessions, or educational level? Is it his…
The American Elections and global economy slow down

حتمية التحول الرقمي للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة

  اصبح التحول الرقمي في هذا العصر ضرورة حتمية لاستمرارية الأعمال وازدهارها وقد استشرفت بعض الشركات الكبرى مثل "Amazon" و"Google " و " Wall Mart"…
think BIG, ACT small

Think BIG, Act small, Make your DREAM

"Dream Big. Start small. Act now."— Robin S. Sharma Think big, act small is a powerful and motivational strategy that worked for many Entrepreneurs who had BIG dreams and a clear VISION. Dream to achieve something big and work to on…
Business Strategy

Why business strategy is bloody important for Entrepreneurs Success?

  Business strategy can be comprehended as a set of choices that help the business visionaries in accomplishing specific business targets. It is only an end-all strategy that the administration of an organization executes to make…

Scorpion's Law: When does the scorpion sting itself?

Scorpion's Law When does the scorpion sting itself? I am not sure if this really happens, supposing it happens, it will be a tragedy when the scorpion sting itself while trying to protect it, which may lead to its death, and this what…
A scam

What to do if you have a scammer in your professional network.

A couple of months ago, during working at office era 😊, I received a message from one of my connections on LinkedIn, more than 20000 contacts, who used to send helloes and endorse my skills. The message such long and written in a very…
COVID-19 and World's near Future

On EARTH day it is not only COVID-19 that we have to worry about!

The World's health near future In the time of illness, the most precious is health; everything will stop saving lives and fighting the diseases. Unfortunately, we succeeded in one thing and failed in another. We succeed in stopping everything…
The American Elections and global economy slow down

The American elections 2020 and the global economic slowdown

Introduction  An Epidemic is the appearance and spread of an infectious disease that strikes at the same time and in the same place a large number of people, animals (epizootic) or plants (epiphytic). We regularly talk about an influenza…